Monday, August 01, 2005

Comcast-Time Warner hit choppy waters

The dreaded Comcast-Time Warner merger has been hitting some regulatory speed bumps, thanks to actiuon by both public interest groups and competitors. "Whenever a big cable merger needs to get through the regulatory gauntlet, marketplace disputes have a way of rising up and becoming matters that, at least to cable critics, must be resolved before the deal can be approved. The Comcast-Time Warner deal to buy Adelphia is no different as The America Channel (TAC), DirecTV, EchoStar Communications and an array of public-interest groups have asked the Federal Communications Commission to apply conditions to the deal. Federal Trade Commission approval is also required. The Media Access Project, a public-interest law firm, has filed on behalf of public interest group. "MAP's clients are: Free Press, Center for Creative Voices in Media, Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ Inc., U.S. Public Interest Research Group, Center for Digital Democracy, CCTV, Center for Media & Democracy, Media Alliance, National Hispanic Media Coalition, the Benton Foundation and Reclaim the Media."


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