Saturday, May 07, 2005

Don't forget Iraq

I'm compelled to keep putting up links to professional, considered, serious journalism on the conduct of the Iraq War - to highlight the contrast with the neutered version most Americans see on their TV screens. Here are five recent examples of serious opinion on Iraq, all from Salon:
  • Prophetic words Just about everyone - even Bush - predicted the perilous situation the U.S. military finds itself in. By Robert Schlesinger
  • Melting pot of blood With the insurgency boiling over and sectarian strife spreading, ethnic divisions threaten to derail the new Iraqi government. By Juan Cole
  • At the breaking point The Bush administration's unrealistic war planning has increased the dangers facing the men and women on the ground in Iraq. By Robert Schlesinger
  • The war according to David HackworthThe retired colonel calls Donald Rumsfeld an "asshole" whose bad planning mired U.S. troops in an ugly guerrilla conflict in Iraq. His sources? Defiant soldiers sending dispatches from the front. By Jonathan Franklin
  • Secret memo A secret memo publicized in Britain confirms the lies on which Bush based his Iraq policy. Why has it received so little notice in the U.S. press? By Joe Conason (previously referred to)


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